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Manual for probation officers in New York state_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Methods of supervising persons on probation. Report of a committee appointed to investigate and make recommendations concerning methods of supervising probationers_cover
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Methods of supervising persons on probation. Report of a committee appointed to investigate and make recommendations concerning methods of supervising probationers_cover
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Reports of cases determined in the Supreme court of New Brunswick ... Commencing Michaelmas term, 1825 .._cover
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Rules and statutes regulating the practice of the Court of chancery in this province, now the "Supreme court in equity." : also rules made in the Supreme court since the publication of Allen's rules in 1847_cover
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New Brunswick equity cases : being a selection of hitherto unreported cases determined by the supreme court in equity of New Brunswick from 1876 to 1893_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Reports of cases determined in the Supreme court of New Brunswick ... Commencing Michaelmas term, 1825 .._cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Reports of cases determined in the Supreme court of New Brunswick ... Commencing Michaelmas term, 1825 .._cover
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