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Modern Spain 1788-1898_cover
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Spanish Influence on English Literature_cover
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The Great Lord Burghley: A Study in Elizabethan Statecraft_cover
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The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth: A History of the Various Negotiations for ..._cover
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the life of sir martin archer shee president of the royal academy frs dc_cover
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Alasco: A Tragedy, in Five Acts_cover
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The Commemoration of Reynolds: In Two Parts, with Notes, and Other Poems_cover
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Rhymes on Art; Or, The Remonstrance of a Painter: in Two Parts: With Notes, and a Preface ..._cover
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Elements of Art, a Poem: In Six Cantos; with Notes and a Preface; Including ..._cover
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Rhymes on Art: Or, The Remonstrance of a Painter: in Two Parts. With Notes ..._cover
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