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Woman and the Republic_cover
Woman and the Republic by Johnson, Helen Kendrick series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 5/5
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Canadian Wild Flowers_cover
Canadian Wild Flowers by Johnson, Helen M. series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3.5/5
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Getting Gold_cover
Getting Gold by Johnson, J.C.F. series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3.5/5
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Testimony of the Sonnets as to the Authorship of the Shakespearean Plays and Poems_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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The Book of American Negro Poetry_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Fifty years & Other Poems_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Self-Determining Haiti_cover
Self-Determining Haiti by Johnson, James Weldon series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3.5/5
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State of the Union_cover
State of the Union by Johnson, Lyndon B. series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4/5
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Making Money_cover
Making Money by Johnson, Owen series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 2.5/5
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