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Le gamin de Bruxelles, comédie-vaudeville en deux actes. Non représentée sur le théâtre anti-national de Bruxelles, le 8 avril 1837 (1)_cover
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Thin Cats Book_cover
Thin Cats Book by John Isbister series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Novum Belgium [microform] : description de Nieuw Netherland et notice sur René Goupil_cover
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Some Documents on the Demand for The Sikh Homeland_cover
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Canadicæ missionis relatio ab anno 1611 usque ad annum 1613 cum statu ejusdem missionis, annis 1703 & 1710 [microform]_cover
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Canadicae missionis relatio ab anno 1611 usque ad annum 1613 cum statu ejusdem missionis, annis 1703 & 1710 [microform]_cover
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De regione et moribus canadensium seu barbarorum Novae Franciae [microform]_cover
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Jesus Christ and him crucified [microform] : a sermon preached on Sunday, Nov. 27, 1853, after his installation_cover
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[Speech] to the Kirk-sessions and congregations of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland [microform]_cover
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An address suggested by the death of H.R.H. the Duke of Albany [microform]_cover
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