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Caleb Haskell's diary, May 5, 1775-May 30, 1776 [microform] : a revolutionary soldier's record before Boston and with Arnold's Quebec expedition_cover
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Battu et vaincu pour la troisième fois [microforme] : élection fédérale de Champlain, 7 avril 1897 : Marcotte, vainqueur : Trudel, vaincu_cover
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Oneonta memories and sundry personal recollections of the author_cover
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Aboriginal occupation of the lower Genesee country_cover
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Legendary heroes of Ireland_cover
Legendary heroes of Ireland by Hughes, Harold F series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Legends of the Wailuku, as told by old Hawaiians_cover
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Legends of Wailuku_cover
Legends of Wailuku by Hapai, Charlotte series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Coléoptères : Géocarabiques : 1re famille, Cicinidélides, 2e famille, Carabides_cover
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Diet in relation to normal nutrition_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Ernst Eduard Kummer und der grosse Fermatsche Satz_cover
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