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Napoleon, the First Emperor of France: From St. Helena to Santiago de Cuba. Being a Summary of ..._cover
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Oration delivered on the thirty-seventh anniversary of American independence, at the request of the "Society of friends of the revolution," in the Capitol in Richmond, Virginia;_cover
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An oration, addressed to the citizens of Utica, N. Y., July 4, 1848_cover
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Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico;_cover
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Stevens' Mechanical Catechism ..._cover
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Fanny and Robbie : a year book for the children of the church_cover
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Folly's bells, a German legend;_cover
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An oration pronounced at Saugus, July fourth, 1815, the anniversary of American independence_cover
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Topica epigrammatum dedicatoriorum graecorum_cover
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An oration delivered before the Irving lyceum, at the Smithsonian institution, on the evening of July 3, 1855_cover
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