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evolution of the thermometer 1592 1743_cover
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students guide in quantitative analysis intended as an aid to the study of fre_cover
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the follies of science at the court of rudolph ii 1576 1612_cover
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The follies of science at the court of Rudolph II: 1576-1612_cover
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Evolution of the Thermometer, 1592-1743_cover
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Notes on the Early Literature of Chemistry ..._cover
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The Students' Guide in Quantitative Analysis: Intended as an Aid to the Study of Fresenius' System_cover
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A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals: Together with Chronological Tables and a ..._cover
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A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, (1665 to 1882): Together with Chronological ..._cover
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A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, (1665 to 1882): Together with Chronological ..._cover
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