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Opere 8_cover
Opere 8 by Giovanni Romani series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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A speech on some political topics, the substance of which was intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons, on Monday the 14th of December, 1778, when the estimates of the army were agreed to in the Committee of Supply_cover
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Observations on Dr. Price's theory and principles of civil liberty and government, preceded by a letter to a friend, on the pretensions of the American colonies, in respect of right and equity_cover
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History of St. Patrick's Church, Carlisle, Pennsylvania_cover
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Histoire de France, depuis la fin du règne de Louis XVI jusqu'à l'année 1825 précédée d'un ..._cover
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Histoire de France, depuis la fin du règne de Louis XVI jusqu'à l'année 1825 précédée d'un ..._cover
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Considerations on the causes and alarming consequences of the present war, and the necessity of immediate peace_cover
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The speech of a Right Honourable gentleman, on the motion for expelling Mr. Wilkes, Friday, February 3, 1769_cover
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The budget : inscribed to the man, who thinks himself minister_cover
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A letter to the right honourable George Grenville, esq., &c. &c. &c. upon the conduct of the late opposition_cover
Avg: 4/5
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