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Une bonne recette; pièce en un acte_cover
Avg: 5/5
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Status of the frog Hyla albomarginata in Central America Fieldiana Zoology v.39, no.55_cover
Avg: 4/5
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The mineral composition of some sands from Quebec, Labrador and Greenland Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.5, No.2_cover
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Personentarifreform und Zonentarif_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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A multivariate study of the family molossidae (mammalia, chiroptera) : morphology, ecology, evolution Fieldiana Zoology new series, no.7_cover
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Myoproctalges surinamensis, a new genus and species of mite parasitic on the acuchi Myoprocta acouchy from Surinam (Psoroptidae, Psoralginae: Sarcoptiformes) Fieldiana Zoology v.65, no.3_cover
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Charles Brockden Brown's Leben und Werke_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Veronicellid land slugs from the New Hebrides, with description of Semperula solemi, new species Fieldiana Zoology v.51, no.12_cover
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Les soirées de Neuilly, esquisses dramatiques et historiques publiées par M. de Fongeray 2_cover
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Les soirées de Neuilly, esquisses dramatiques et historiques publiées par M. de Fongeray 1_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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