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The Baptismal, Marriage, and Burial Registers of the Cathedral Church of ..._cover
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Faits de l'esprit humain: philosophie_cover
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Yankee Travels Through the Island of Cuba; Or, The Men and Government, the ..._cover
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Yankee Travels Through the Island of Cuba; Or, The Men and Government, the Laws and Customs of ..._cover
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Vocabulary and hand-book of the Chinese language. Romanized in the Mandarin dialect 1_cover
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Yuyo shokubutsu zusetsu mokuroku oyobi sakuin: or Contents of and indices to ..._cover
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Worcester college_cover
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Denʹgi i puly drevnei Rusi, velikokniazheskiia i udielʹnyia, D. Sontsova_cover
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With the Army of the Potomac_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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The Collected Works of Dugald Stewart_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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