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Observations on The appeal from the new to the old Whigs, and on Mr. Paine's Rights of Man : in two parts_cover
Avg: 5/5
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Cangueci, Kinoje, Oka; antica favola degli indigeni del Canada_cover
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Poems by Barnard-Smith, Catherine series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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France et Algérie_cover
France et Algérie by Bouville, Carlos de series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4.5/5
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L'Algérie en 1854; itinéraire général de Tunis à Tanger. Colonisation, paysages, monuments, culte, agriculture, statistique, hygiène, industrie, commerce, avenir_cover
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Notes de route : Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie_cover
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Quatre-vingt-deux jours de commandement de la province d'Oran_cover
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De Carthage au Sahara_cover
De Carthage au Sahara by Bauron, Pierre series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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B'nai Brith press release Aug 7 2009 SAIA and OHRT_cover
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Avg: 2.5/5
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