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The rush to the Klondike [microform] : Alaska's new gold-fields --their present output and future promise_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Les estampes de Peter Brvegel l'ancien_cover
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How_To_Sharpen_ by Behr-Manning series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Boston painters, 1720-1940. [Exhibition catalogue]_cover
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De Houtsneden in Vorsterman's Bijbel van 1528; afbeeldingen der prenten van Jan Swart, Lucas van Leyden, e.a. Met een inleiding en een kritische lijst door N. Beets_cover
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O illuminowanych rekopisach polskich_cover
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Inventaire de la collection Lallemant de Betz, rédigé par Auguste Flandrin, Augm. d'une table alphabétique et d'une notice par Joseph Guibert_cover
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A catalogue of Robert Louis Stevenson autograph material .._cover
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Nature's doorway to the land of gold [microform]_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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