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Propos dorez svr l'avthorité tyranniqve de Cocino Florentin, Marquis dAncre, Mareschal de France, & pretendant la Royauté : par l'aneantissement de tous les Princes, grands Seigneurs & Officiers du Royaume, & de la Maison de Bourbon .._cover
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Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the National Association of Life Underwriters_cover
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Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Political science quarterly_cover
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Principles and practice of poultry culture_cover
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Preussische Jahrbücher_cover
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Pravoslavnyĭ palestinskīĭ sbornik_cover
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Proceedings .._cover
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Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the American Institute of Architects_cover
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Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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