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Oxide charge degradation of MOS transistor current and mobility in the linear and saturation ranges_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Origine della lingua italiana: dall'attuale dialetto del volgo laziale al dialetto del popolo ..._cover
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Operant behavior in the human infant: differentiation and discrimination_cover
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On inversion of the uterus: With Eleven Cases Successfully Treated by the Sigmoid Repositor : a ..._cover
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On the mechanism of oxime formation and hydrolysis and the use of the hydrogen electrode in the presence of certain organic compounds .._cover
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On the Warrior Coal Field no. 1_cover
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Oliver Cromwell und die puritanische Revolution_cover
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Obras de Gustavo A. Becquer 1_cover
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Osvěta: Listy pro rozhled v umění, vědě a politice 16_cover
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Opowiadania i studya historyczne 3_cover
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