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Legends of the Konkan_cover
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Life and letters of Erasmus : lectures delivered at Oxford 1893-4_cover
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Lives of the bishops of North Carolina from the establishment of the episcopate in that state down to the division of the diocese_cover
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Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism_cover
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Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians_cover
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Luther Burbank, his methods and discoveries and their practical application;_cover
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Life of John Albert Johnson : three times governor of Minnesota_cover
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Luther Burbank, his methods and discoveries and their practical application;_cover
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Lectures on the bases of religious belief_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Lectures on the origin and growth of the Psalms_cover
Avg: 3/5
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