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Hector Servadac_cover
Hector Servadac by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4.5/5
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History of Saginaw County, Michigan;_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Honoré de Balzac, his life and writings_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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History of the Fifty-fourth regiment of Masachusetts volunteer infantry, 1863-1865_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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History of American journalism_cover
Avg: 3/5
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History of the Twelfth regiment, New Hampshire volunteers in the war of the rebellion pt.2_cover
Avg: 4/5
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History of pioneer Kentucky_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Historical sketches of Kentucky: embracing its history, antiquities, and natural curiosities, geographical, statistical, and geological descriptions;_cover
Avg: 4/5
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