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How to identify old Chinese porcelain_cover
Avg: 3/5
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H.R. 4613, the Debt Collection Act of 1981. JCX-11-82_cover
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Heredity of skin color in negro-white crosses_cover
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His sombre rivals_cover
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Holy Himalaya : the religion, traditions and scenery of a Himalayan province (Kumaon and Garhwál)_cover
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H.R. 7093 ǂb reduction of certain withholding taxes paid to the Virgin Islands JCX-37-82_cover
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H.R. 1524--Messrs. Rousselot and Matsui : ǂb normalization requirements for public utility property and special transition rule. JCX-38-82_cover
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H.R. 7094--Mr. Rangel : ǂb independent asset management for certain multiemployer plans. JCX-39-82_cover
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Hegel's Philosophy of mind_cover
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Horace: Odes and Epodes; a study in poetic word-order_cover
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