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General Persifor Frazer_cover
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Giornale della Reale società italiana d'igiene_cover
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Galicia : her forbears and her offspring_cover
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Grundriss der Physiologie des Menschen_cover
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Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis conditum a Carolo du Fresne, domino du Cange, auctum a monachis ordinis s. Benedicti, cum supplementis integris D. P. Carpenterii, Adelungii, aliorum_cover
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Guide to the understanding of the Holy Scriptures, and The unity of church: two sermons .._cover
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Grundzüge der Metaphysik: Dictate aus den Vorlesungen_cover
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German militarism and its German critics, fully illustrated by extracts from German newspapers4_cover
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Geschichtliches über das Schulwesen der Stadt Olten_cover
Avg: 3/5
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