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Flowers from glade and garden:_cover
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Fifty Years of Public Work of Sir Henry Cole, K. C. B., Accounted for in His Deeds, Speeches and ..._cover
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Fortnightly Club yr.1909-1910_cover
Fortnightly Club yr.1909-1910 by fortnightly club series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory yr.1873-1874_cover
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First Half Century of ... Franklin College ... Franklin, Ind., [1834-1884] Jubilee Exercises ..._cover
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Funzioni sacre e feste fatte dallà città di Padova per l'esaltazione al sommo pontificato dell' eminentissimo sig. cardinale Carlo Rezzonico, suo vescovo, che prese il nome di Clemente XIII_cover
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Fifty years' observation of men and events, civil and military_cover
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Frédéric II et Marie-Thérèse d'après des documents nouveaux, 1740-1742_cover
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Fifty Years Among Authors, Books and Publishers_cover
Avg: 4/5
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