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Description of H.R. 6410 (the Pension Equity Tax Act of 1982) : ǂb scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on June 8, 1982 JCS-17-82_cover
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Description of possible options to increase revenues JCS-24-82_cover
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Design and installation of power plant and heating system for the zone of camp activities and amusements, Camp Funston, Kansas_cover
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Documents accompanying the Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, at the annual session of .._cover
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Decorative art .._cover
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Dictionary of idiomatic English phrases_cover
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Dzieje panowania Zygmunta III, króla polskiego, wielkiego ksiẹcia litewskiego, itd_cover
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Documents relatifs à la répression de la traite des esclaves_cover
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