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Al amor de las estrellas : (mujeres del Quijote)_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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An introduction to physical measurement, with appendices on absolute electrical measurements, etc. 2d ed._cover
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A manual of laboratory physics_cover
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A dictionary of the Spanish and English languages 2_cover
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Annals of Agriculture and other useful Arts 1_cover
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Agricultural Gazette of Canada 4_cover
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An introduction to the mathematical theory of heat conduction : with engineering and geological applications_cover
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Acta Mar Kardaghi Assyriae praefecti qui sub Sapore II martyr occubuit : syriace juxta manuscriptum Amidense una cum versione latina_cover
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Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 19_cover
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Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 20_cover
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