the dialogues of saint gregory surnamed the great pope of rome the first of

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Hagiography by Pope St. Gregory I, known in Eastern Orthodoxy as Gregory the Dialogist. The “Dialogues” was written in 593-594 in a simple, accessible way, and was addressed to wide readership. In the first three volumes the author tells of wonders of Italic saints of the fourth century, basing on his personal recollections and authoritative sources. The second book, devoted to Benedict of Nursia, appears today the only early source of information on this Christian saint. The fourth book touches upon the question of immortality of soul and its life after death, by description of numerous visions (that was the theme of ancient and medieval literarure). The volume also contains teaching on purgatory. Pope’s “Dialogues”, having been very popular both in the West and East, in many respects defined dogmatism of Middle Ages.
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