tewksbury a short history

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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III. THE CHURCH. Mabch 10TH, "Voted that they would not act upon ye first article in the warrant at this time," which was " to agree of what bigness their meeting-house should be." " July 9th, voted that the bigness should be 48 ft. long, and 36 ft. wide, and 12 ft. high between ' joynts.' " Sept. 20th, 1735, " Voted that they would have preaching in ye town, and that they would meet at ye house of John French Jr. upon ye Sabbath Days and worship God." November 7th, Lieutenant Daniel Kittredge, Samuel Hunt, Jr., and John French were chosen a committee to provide a preacher, and it was voted that the " stated time to begin ye Public Worship in ye Sabbath Days shall be ten a Clock in ye morning, that ye time of intermission betweenexercises should be one hour and a half, and that they would sing that way that is now called ye new." Then " Joseph Bailey and Nathan Stickney were chosen to tune and read ye psalms." After much deliberation on the site, after troubles and disappointments many, changes of committees, etc., they appear to have finished their meeting-house about the close of 1737. Interesting are some of the votes preceding that time: June 10th, voted that they would raise their meeting-house by a " teacle;" that they would not provide for the raising their meeting-house by a rate ; and that they would raise a town rate of £200 for the building of their meetinghouse. After the completion of the meetinghouse, the next important question was the seating of it. They had many deliberations and many methods proposed. Disputes for precedence seem to have been as high among them as among the wives of our Washington officials to-day. First, in December, THE MEET1NO-HOD8E. 21 1737, they decided " to seat their meetinghouse, and to have respect both to mone...
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