sermons on several subjects

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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: SERMON II. Job xxyiii. 18, unto Man be faid, Behold, the Fear of the Lord that is IFifdom, and to depart from Evil is Under/landing. Serm. II. N the foregoing Chapter, to which this has Relation, Job had been protefting againil the Doctrine of his Friends, who all along aflert- ed that Afflictions were ever the Confequence of Sin, and that fome remarkable Vengeance always attended wicked Men; which neverthelefs he grants that it does fbmetimes happen to be true, tho' he denies it to be always a conftant Rule and Method of God's Proceedings: And being aware that they would be apt to fufpect the Impartiality of this way of acting, and would not be able to reconcile it to the Juftice of God, he fhews fhews them that thefe things are beyond the Serm. R each of human Capacity, that the Things ' of Nature would be a more proper Subject v to employ the Wit and Induftry of Man, vvhofe Enquiries, when they have been carried this Way, have anfwered the End and proved fuccefsful, but that the Secrets of the Almighty are likely always to remain fuch to us, notwithftanding our utmoft Endeavours to find them out. Surely, fays he, there is a Vein for the Siher, and a flace for Gold where they find it: Iron is taken out of the Earth, and Brafs is molten out of the Stone. There is aTath which ito Fowl knaweth, and which the Vulture's Eye hath not feen ; the Lion's Whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce. Lion faffed by it. But where Jhall Wifdom be found .J and where is the f'lace of Understanding ? that is, who can find out the Reafbns and Methods of God's Providence? This is indeed a hard Queftion for Flefh and Blood to anfwer: as for this fbrt of Wifdom, which is Wifdom in the higheft Senfe of the Word, there is no Purchafe to be given for it ; for Man knoweth not the 'P...
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