ILL LEAVE IT TO YOU - 1920 -- ILL LEAVE IT TO YOU Produced on Wednesday, July 21, 1920, at the New Theatre, London, with the following Cast of Characters -Mas. DE MOTT . . . . . . . E Her Child ren 1 . . . . , BOBBI . . . . . JOYOE . . DANIEL D A H S er Brother . . . . . Mas. CROMBIE . . . . . . . FAIIHCROMBIE . , . . . . . Gmae Butler . . . . . l i s Rate Cutler. , Yr. Douglas Jeffwiw. Misa MurieE Pop. Miss SkWa Jme. Mr. Nod Coward. Mias Moya Nugent. r. E. RoZmanOZark. Miss h i a Stuart. Miss Esme Npne. Mr. Duvid Clarkson. The action of the play takes place in MULBEILRY M ANOR, MRS. DERMOTT house, a few miles out of London. Eighteen montha elapse between acte one and two, and one night between acts bwo and three. ILL LEAVE IT TO YOU A plan of the stage of the New Thcatre, London, set fw the play is given at the end of he book. s c . - - THhalle o j u bcrrMya nor. A12 the furniture looks very comfortable. Through the window can be seen a glimpse of a snowy garden there is a log fie. The l ht is a little dinz, being late afternoon. Seated on the table smW2nginhge r legs is JOYCE, s he is attired in a fur coat and goloshes, very little else can be seen, acept a pink healthy looking young fme. SYLVU is seated om the Chesterfield R. She is twenty-one and exceedingly petty, It is about jive ohys btfme Christmas. JOYCE brjghtly. My feet are simply soaking. S V I A se wing, Why on earth dont you go and change them 1 Youll catch cold. BOBBIEe nters R. He is a slim, bright-looking youth of twenty. JOYCE. I dont mind if I do. Laughs. Colds are fun. BOBBIE. She loves having a filss made of her, beef tea-chickenjelly with whipped cream-and fires in her bedroom, little Sybarite. JOYCE. So do you. BOBRIE comes C.. No, I dont whenever my varioua ailments conhe me to my bed, I chafe-positively chafe at the terrible inactivity. I want to be up and about, shooting, riding, cricket, football, ludo, the usual run of manly sports. SYLVIA. Knowing you for what you are--lazy, luxurious-BOBBIE piwd. Pleasc, please, please, not in front of the child. JOYCE k ick Its demor lizhgfo r her to hear her idolized brother held up to ridicule. JOYCE. Youre not my idolized brother at ah-0liver is. Tun ing away, pouting. BOBBIE seated R. on Che mJ eld, sweetly, If that were really so, dcor, I know you have much too kind a heart to Ict me know it. S Y L W. hat is the matter with you this afternoon, Bobbie--you are very up in the air about something. JOYCE take8 her coat ofi puts m back of chair R. of table. BOBBIE risiq and sitting m club fen...