high life below stairs a farce in two acts

Book cover
BELOW STAIRS -- IT was a real Defire to do good, amongR a very large and ufeful Body-of People, that gave Rife to this little Piece. The Author thought the Stage, where t l i e a dh ight 6e d fgracyd, and the Good rewarded, the moR ready and effeeffuhl Me thod for rhis Purpofe And, as he never wrote before in the Dramatic Way, and was unwilling to be known, he was happy in recommending the Performance, by the Afiitance of a Friend, to the Care and Judgment of Mr. GAR RICK. DUKES Se r-1 f, - Mr. PALMER. Mr.. KIXG. virnt. Sir HARRYS Servnnt, I f Lady BAEs Yg ors. Maid, - Lady CHAR LOTTES Mifs HIPPISLEY Mrs. BEKNET. Maid, J C ROBERT, Servant ia Freernon, Mr. ACRLIAS. FIDLER, Mr. ATKINS. 4 S C E N E, London. . t J 3 f r b H I G W L I - F E BELOW STAIRS. A C T I. S C E N E, Aa Aparimmt in Freemans HouJ. T FREEMA a N nd LOVEL c , a tering. F R E E I A N. xzg Country Boy ha, ha, ha. How long A M has this Scheme been in your Head N N E X L O V E L . Some Time - I am now convincd of whit ydu have often been hinting to me, that I am confoundedly cheated by my Servants. F R E E M A N . Oh are you fatisfied at laR, Mr. Lovel I always told you, that there is not a worfe Set of Servants in the Pariih of St. 7azzess, than in your Kitchen, L O V E L . . Tis with fome Difficulty 1 believe it now, Mr. Freeman tho, I muR own, my Expences often A 2 make 4 H I G H L I F E make me itare - Philip, I am fure, Is an 11onCfI Fkllow and 1 will h e a r for my Blacks - If there is a Rogue among my Folks, it is that furly Dog Tom. F R E E M A N . S You are miRaken in every one. Philip is an hy pocri tical Rafcal Tom has a good deal of furly Ho neRy about him and for your Blacks, they are as bad as your Whites. .. L O V E L Prithee, Frcennn, how came you to be fo well acqaairited with my People None of thewerrches are hhndfome enough to move the AffeEtions of a middle-aged Gentleman as you are. Ha, ha, ha. F R E E M A N . YOLI a re a young Man, Mr. Lovel, and take a Pride in a Number of idle, hunnecelTary Servants, who are the Plague and Reproach of this Kingdom, ,-L 0 v L. L Charles, You are an old-fahiond Fellow. Servnms a Plbgue and Reprobh ha, ha, ha. I would have forty inore, if my Houfe would hold them. Why, Man, in Jamaica, . before I was ten Ye rs old, I had an hundred Blacks killing my Feet every Day. F R E E M A N . t You Gentry of the Wefiern lfles . are high mettled ones, and love Pomp and Parade - I have feen it delight your Soul, when the People in the Street have itared at your Equipage fpecially if they whifpered loud enough to , be heard, That is Squire ov Z, thegreat Wej Lrdin. Ha, ha, ha. L O V E L . I ihould be very rorrp if we were as fplenetic as you Nortliernllfianders, who are deiT i-ed h ith Meinncholy and Pog. Ha, hn, h. No, Sir, we arc . CbiIdren - . B E L O . W S T I R S . j. Children of the Siln, and are born to diffuie the bounteous Favours hich otir noble Parent is pleafed to beitow on us. . F R E E M A N . I wifh you had more of your noble Parents Re-. gularity,, and lefs of his Fire. As it is, p u mnb fume fo fail, that not. one in twenty of you live to - be fifty Years old. - i - 3 t L O V E L . I .. I But in that fifty we live two h. u red, my D rfiarlc that... --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
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