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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: feel under obligation to any officer or soldier of the revolution who will furnish a correct account of the origin of the words and tune, and if possible a more genuine and better edition. YANKEE DOODLE. 1. Father and I went down to camp, Along with Captain Goodwin, Where we tee the men and boy As thick as Hasly-puddm. 2. There was captain Washington Upoo a slapping stallion, A giving ordeis to his men I guen there was a million. 3. And then the feathers on his hat, They look'd so larnaljina, I wanted puckily to get To give to my Jemima. 4. And there they had 7 swam pin gun As Inrge log of maple, On a deuced little cart— A load for father's cattle; 5. And every time they fired it off, It took a horn of powder ; It made a noise like father's gun, Only a nation luuder. 6. I went as near to it myself As Jacob's underpinnin, And father went us near again— I thought the deuce w, in him. 7. And there I see a little keg, Its heads were made of leather— They kuock'd upon't with little sticks To call the folks together. 8. And there they'd fife away likefun, And play on cornstock fiddles, And some had ribbondi red as blood, All wound about their middles. 9. The troopers, too, would gallop up And fire right in our faces ; It scir'd me almost half to death To see them run such races. 10. Old uncle Sam. come there to change Some paucakes and some onions, Fur lasses-cakes, to carry home To gire his wife and young ones. 11. Bit I can't tell you half I set Thej kept up such a smother ; So I took my hat off—made a bow, And scamperM home to mother. [The Editors are in possession of a Copy of Yankee Dotdle which contains several verses more than the foregoing. We will add them,thoagh we are not certain ...
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