Book of the Household.A Valuable and Practical Work on Every Department of Household Management._With Numerous Illustrations_.The _Guardian_ says: "AN EXCELLENT WORK, WHICH SHOULD BE IN THE HANDS OFEVERY HOUSEKEEPER, is CASSELL'S BOOK OF THE HOUSEHOLD. Here we find themost varied information and the soundest of advice. The household, itsmembers and their family life, are considered and discussed; children andtheir training, health and disease, food and clothing, furnishing,furniture, and household mechanics. The arrangement and treatment of thesevarious subjects are admirable, and the book is certainly a most valuableand practical manual of household management."The _Queen_ says: "A BOOK SO HANDY AND PRACTICAL OUGHT TO BE ADOPTED BYEVERY WELL-ORDERED FAMILY. Its plan is so comprehensive, it will includeevery part of the house and its requirements, and all the members of thefamily and their mutual relations, duties, and responsibilities."The _Weekly Dispatch_ says: "We do not know of any more practical or morevaluable work on household management. It is worth its weight in gold."The _Scotsman_ says: "The first volume has appeared of a book whichpromises to be of great and extensive utility. It is A CYCLOPAEDIA OFINFORMATION ON ALL QUESTIONS CONNECTED WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF A HOUSEHOLD,and does not enter into comparison with books that treat merely ofprovisions for the table. Various hands have evidently been employed inworking up the various sections, and every subject is dealt with in athoroughly competent style. The book is admirably appointed in everyrespect, and contains many illustrations, all of the most useful character,and beautifully printed. EVERY ONE WHO HAS TO DO IN ANY WAY WITH THEMANAGEMENT OF A HOUSEHOLD WILL FIND THIS BOOK INVALUABLE."The _Liverpool Mercury_ says: "CASSELL'S BOOK OF THE HOUSEHOLD is anotherbook, of a class of which many have been issued, and good books too; butthis one, by the thoroughness and comprehensiveness of its arrangement,will go far to render the housewife who possesses it independent of all therest.... Many a housewife will find the articles interesting enough to betaken up at any leisure hour."The _Glasgow Herald_ says: "The work promises to be the most complete thingof the kind in existence, and even the first volume by itself is a perfecthousehold encyclopaedia."CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, _Ludgate Hill, London_.