bird keeping a practical guide for the management of singing and cage birds

Book cover
PREFACE. ONCE the first edition of this little work appeared, many foreign birds have been introduced into England, which were scarcely known in this country, except perhaps to Orni- thological Societies or scientific collectors all that haye become well known in the bird- rooms or cages of amateurs, have been noticed in the present edition, which has been revised throughout, and considerably enlarged and due mention has been made of the important dis- coveries of Dr. Karl Russ, and other German naturalists, that many of the small Finches, and other foreign birds, could be successfully reared in confinement. LONDON, July, 1878. CONTENTS. Page INTRODUCTION ... i BIRDS OF PREY. GOLDEN EAGLE 7 SEA EAGLE 8 . GER-FALCON ... 9 PEREGRINE DO. ... .., 9 MOOR BUZZARD 12 COMMON DO. 13 MERLIN 13 HOBBY 13 GOSHAWK 15 SPARROW HAWK 15 KESTREL 16 KITE 18 OWLS. LONG-EARED OWL 19 WHITE OR BARN OWL 20 LITTLE OWL 23 Viii CONTENTS. Page CROW TRIBE. RAVEN 25 CARRION CROW 30 HOODED CROW 30 ROOK 30 JACKDAW 31 CORNISH CHOUGH 34 PIPING CROW .. 35 LAUGHING JACKASS 36 MAGPIE 36 JAY 30 AMERICAN BLUE DO. 40 CANADA DO 41 STARLING ,,. 42 ROSE-COLOURED PASTOR ... 44. MINA BIRD 46 PARADISE GRAKLE 48 PURPLE GRAKLE 48 TROOPIAL 48 BOBOLINK 48 BALTIMORE ORIOLE 49 GLOSSY STARLING ... .... 49 THRUSH TRIBE. MISSEL THRUSH 50 SONG THRUSH 51 BLACKBIRD 53 RING OUZEL 57 REDWING ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 CONTENTS. IX Pg FIELDFARE , 58 MIGRATORY THRUSH 58 MOCKING BIRD ... 58 GOLDEN ORIOLE 60 MANGO BIRD ,. ... 62 BLACK-HEADED ORIOLE 62 GOLDEN-CRESTED DO. , 62 YELLOW EULBUI 62 JOCOSE BULBUL ... 62 LAUGHING THRUSH 63 BLACK-FACED DO 63 GREATER PEKIN NIGHTINGALE 64 WAX-WING 64 VARBLERS. NIGHTINGALE 65 BLACKCAP 71 FAUVETTE 74 WHITEHROAT 75 LESSER DO 76 WOOD WREN 77 WILLOW WREN 77 CHIFF-CHAFF 77 REED WARBLER 78 SEDGE DO 78 REDSTART 79 BLACK DO BLUE-THROATED WARBLER ... 83 80 --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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