Severals relating to the fund (1682) - Some considerations on the bills of credit now passing in New-England (1691) - Some additional considerations addressed unto the worshipful Elisha Hutchinson, esq. (1691) - A model for erecting a bank of credit (1688) - A projection for erecting a bank of credit in Boston, New-England, founded on land security (1714) - Objections to the bank of credit, lately projected at Boston (1714) - A letter, from one in Boston, to his friend in the country (1714) - A vindication of the bank of credit projected in Boston (1714) - Some considerations upon the several sorts of banks propos'd as a medium of trade (1716) - The present melancholy circumstances of the province consider'd, and methods for redress humbly proposed (1719) - An addition to the Present melancholy circumstances of the province considered, [etc.] (1719) - The distressed state of the town of Boston, [etc.] considered (1720) - A letter from one in the country to his friend in Boston, containing some remarks upon a late pamphlet, entituled, The distressed state of the town of Boston, [etc.] (1720) - A letter from a gentleman containing some remarks upon the several answers given unto Mr. Colman's, entituled, The distressed state of the town of Boston (1720) - A vindication of the remarks of one in the country upon The distressed state of Boston (1720) - Reflections on the present state of the province of Massachusetts-Bay (1720) - The distressed state of the town of Boston once more considered (1720) - Some proposals to benefit the province (1720) 26