Vol. I. Prolegomena, viz. The Editor's introduction. The life of the Author. The Author's original prefaces, [etc.] The antiquities of the Christian Church, Book I-III. Names and orders of the people. Orders of the superior clergy. Order of the inferior clergy.- Vol. II. Prolegomena ... The antiquities of the Christian Church, Books IV-VII. Ordinations of the clergy. Privileges, revenues, [etc.] Laws of their life and conversation. Ascetics and monks.- Vol. III. The antiquities of the Christian Church, Books VIII-X. Churches, utensils, habits, [etc.] Provinces, dioceses, [etc.], Catechumens creeds, [etc.] Indices to the Episcopal Sees [etc.] Plans of Churches and maps.- Vol. IV. The antiquities of the Christian Church, Books XI-XIII. The rites and ceremonies of baptism. Confirmation and other ceremonies following baptism. Divine worship in general.- Vol. V. The antiquities of the Christian Church, Books XIV and XV. The ante-communion service. The communion service itself.- Vol. VI. The antiquities of the Christian Church, Book XVI. The unite and discipline of the ancient Church.- Vol. VII. The antiquities of the Christian Church, Books XVII-XXI. Dicipline among clergy. The orders of penitents. Of absolution. The festivals and fasts.- Vol. VIII. The antiquities of the Christian Church, Books XXII and XXIII. Marriage rites, funeral rites. The indices of authors, councils and matter ... Errata, corrigends and addenda.- Vol. IX. The scholastical history of baptism by layman. A dissertation on the eighth Nicene canon. Indices of authors and matter.- Vol. X. The French Church's apology for the Church of England. Sermons and letters on absolution. Sermons on the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, [etc.] Indices of authors and matter 26