The history of Normandy and of England

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Authorities passim Vols. 3-4 edited by F. T. Palgrave Vols. 3-4 published by Macmillan in London v. l. General relations of mediæval Europe. The Carlovingian empire. The Danish expeditions in the Gauls. The establishment of Rollo. 1851.--v. 2. The three first dukes of Normandy: Rollo, Guillaume-Longue-Epée, and Richard-Sans-Peur. The Carlovingian line supplanted by the Capets. 1857.--v. 3. Richard-Sans-Peur. Richard Le-Bon. Richard III. Robert Le-Diable. William the Conqueror. 1864.--v. 4. William Rufus. Accession of Henry Beauclerc. 1864
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