This book is an anthology of Arabic Free Verse incorp orating new
selections of Arab poets of different generations and experiences, environments
and countries. The poets are more than 180 in number all in all, each with one
poem with exception of one or two to make the number of the poem reach 180
only. Some of the poets of the Anthology are of a very high credit whose oeuvre
have been in circulation in languages other than Arabic, the Original. Some other poets, whom the readers of the world at large have no access to , for no reason but that of the language barrier, are very well read, appreciated and taken by their homeland readers and audiences. They are represented here regardless to what -not differences and contradictions, irrelevances and inconsistencies among Arabs; such differences and contradictions do extend to nearly many aspects but, fortunately enough not to the significance or the role of poetry. This is because Arabs, all Arabs, while they don't agree on anything else, as they do agree on one fact: they read poetry, they listen to poetry and they love poetry. However, these disagreements have an unlimited number of poets' voices gagged, curbed and neglected for multifarious reasons above which is the 'level line' of free expression that fluctuates, never up , but always down, ebbing and only not to flow once more, here and there! In this Anthology, those unlimited have got a voice, one poem each.
The idea behind making out the whole Anthology as well as planning for
the project and right away from its early stages to the collecting of the material in its source language and contacting Mr. Marius Chelaru , the Romanian Translator, and giving me the honor of participating in this honorable feat that serves to boost this dialogue among peoples despite their differences in languages, r eligions etcâ¦are mainly the responsibility and contribution and initiative of the hard - working man and brilliant poet Mr. Munir Mezyed. However, it is left for the other English-Arabic translators mentioned below to choose the poems they like to have here included.
This Anthology does not follow a chronological way in classifying poets
into generations, as it is patterned in almost all anthologies of poetry. Neither does it categorize the poets in any form nor are their poems arranged alph abetically orthematically or even according to their related IDs (of countries) although we discussed this matter at the very beginning a lot. The poet Mr. Munir Mezyed attempts to keep the poems as they are in the same order he chooses. I felt that he may aim at tracing the way he feels first about them, at documenting and recording his feelings and choices the way he finds these voices, all voices with no exception expressing him via their own. The Anthology, then it seems, follows a psychic method, the psyche of a poet when he loves, when he yearns for his lost paradise, when he rebels and smashes all taboos, when he weeps, sings or when he is religious or irreligious, a man in want of a loving woman's lap, a woman wanting man to share the cup of ecstasy, when feels the world as a tree or a wave or dewdrop or a poem neighing like a horse or words flying like pigeons or flocks of sheep fleeing away once he utters them, when he starts with Iraq and ends in craving for his homeland. This is an orchestra master ed by a poet with a magic wand in his hand. He is the Yanni of the Modern Arab poetry. This is where this Anthology differs from other editions. It is the first of its kind!
This Anthology is issued in a trilingual edition âArabic, Romanian and
English set together under one cover. The Arabic text is, of course, the source
language. The Romanian translations of the poems are done via English by the
Romanian Poet, Critic and Translator Mr. Marius Chelaru, poem by poem, verse by
verse, image by image. Here, in this step, in particular and in order to keep the sense and spirit of the poems translated indirectly to another language via not that of the source, Mr. Munir works, side by side, with Mr. Marius in the Romanian Version as he reads every poem Mr. Marius translates to make sure the Romanian version gets the exact meaning and keeps the artistic image and soul. The English has been the work, if none referred to otherwise, of the Arab Poet, Novelist, Researcher and Translator, Mr.Munir Mezyed.In addition, the Editor, Prof. Al-Assady, also shared in translating a number of poems.
Since the Anthology is trilingual, it is printed though under one cover
but in three separate parts; each part for a language. Each part includes the same number of poems the other two parts carry. Poems in each are numbered. Each poem carries the same number in the three versions. The Idea behind that is to facilitate things to readers who want to check or follow or entertain themselves with poems of other versions; so instead of making them go to the index or the contents page to look for names or poems' titles , we may make things easy, i.e, just to look for numbers of the poems , not pages .
The Editor