The Armistice - in "Great Events of the Great War, Volume VI Chapter XXVI: Charles F. Horne and Walter F. Austin (editors)

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In 1920 the "National Alumni" published a VII Volume Series entitled "The Great Events of the Great War". Each volume was distinctly bound in a facsimile of the original art binding of the portfolio binding for the countries of the Versailles Peace Treaty with Germany. Volume VI represented the Government of Uruguay. This Internet Archive is a copy of Chapter XXVI of that document. It provides information on the day-to-day activities leading to the signing of the Armistice, with official correspondence of Generals Foch and Hindenburg, the Narratives of the Eye Witnesses, and Woodrow Wilson. This chapter takes you back to the railway cars, parked in the Forest of Compiegne in France and walks you through each clause of the Armistice Agreement. It contains the statements of the French and German delegations and the report of the American President.
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