Communism and Capitalism are the same, with only slight variations of brainwashing used.
Both are Price Systems.
Rubles or dollars or Chinese 'money' now, it makes no difference.
Both enforce a caste/class system.
Neither will work in the future except as a caste class manipulation device.
Adam Smith or Marx... both equal a theory of 'commodity valuation' based on human labor.
A human can put out 1/20th of a horsepower. A machine any amount.
The replacement of humans, except for made up, non essential and pointless jobs, such as banking, insurance, the law, etc. effectively destroys purchasing power.
Our Price System dead ends itself. Mechanical energy has long ago outmoded our Price System. A reward and punishment system using money no longer is a viable method, as 'purchasing power' through 'work' is destroyed, and `` money " while possibly effective in the days of measuring scarcity, falls flat as a measure of abundance.
As an antique social control system the money system based in maintaining scarcity works though. To open this file, go up, to the left, in the 'view the book' box, and click the blue PDF.