
Book cover
To see the transcribed text with images (if possible) use the FB2 version. The main subject matter of this book are the North Sea fishing fleets, and the strenuous and hard work they do to maintain a supply of fish on the tables of the British people, in particular, in the case of this story, tables in London. Storm and winter weather notwithstanding, the work goes on. Apart from these risks, there were other dangers, in particular hard drink, which was supplied by "copers", mainly from the Netherlands. These vessels would arrive among the fleets, bringing supplies of tobacco and alcohol. Most skippers would allow them to come alongside with their wares, because some of the men would not have worked without such supplies, though over-indulgence was a great evil. On the other hand there were also in attendance the vessels of the Missions to Deep Sea Fishermen (M.D.S.F.) in which the Gospel was preached, and in which the weary fisherman could find solace and a haven of rest. These also some of the skippers would allow to come alongside, but only the better class of skipper. A third kind of vessel would attend upon the fleet, and these were the fast steamers which would come out to collect the catches from the boats, and rush back to the ports to send the fish on their way by rail to London and the other great towns and cities. Ballantyne has, in his usual manner, described all these things with the utmost vividness, and woven into it a good story, which would keep his young readers interested. First published 1884.
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