Marshfield, the observer & The death-dance : studies of character & action

Book cover
Kramer, S. Stone & Kimball & Herbert S. Stone & Co. bib, 1893-1905 Spec. Coll. copy is part of a collection (Collection 1607). To page this item, use the collection record; to find the collection record, search the title: Gullans-Espey Collection of Designer Bookbindings. Item is in box 55. Quarter navy and gray paper over boards, stamped in blind, white and navy, with central design of a stylized rose on upper board. Circular monogram of H.S. Stone on lower board. Top edge gilt. Designed by Frank Hazen. Signed FH on upper board. Publisher's advertisements: [8] p. at end. Gift of Charles Gullans and John Espey, 1986
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