This is the Spanish translation of "The United States as a HIPC* â how the poor are financing the rich. (*Heavily Indebted Prosperous Country)", a report from JUBILEE RESEARCH at the New Economics Foundation by Romilly Greenhill and Ann Pettifor (April 2002), available at This short report outlines the role the US deficit has played in driving the process of globalisation. Secondly, it analyses the way in which poor countries are financing the US deficit and therefore the high living standards of US citizens.
Esta es la traduccion al espanyol de "The United States as a HIPC* â how the poor are financing the rich. (*Heavily Indebted Prosperous Country)", un informe de JUBILEE RESEARCH at the New Economics Foundation, por Romilly Greenhill and Ann Pettifor (April 2002), disponible en Este informe breve resume el rol que ha jugado el deficit de los Estados Unidos como
motor del proceso de globalizacion. En segundo lugar, analiza la manera en que los paises pobres estan financiando el deficit de los Estados Unidos y, por lo tanto, los altos estandares de vida de los ciudadanos estadounidenses.