Laboratory and project classes for the 2007/2008 "Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems" (AAMAS) course of the MSc in Computer Science and Software Engineering in Instituto Superior Técnico.
Lecture and file description:
Lab 1 - Basic concepts and "Loading Docks" scenario (manual: lab01-*.pdf)
Lab 2 - "Loading Docks" scenario using NetLogo (manual: lab02-*.pdf; reactive agent solution: reactive-solution.nlogo)
Lab 3 - Deliberative agents for the "Loading Docks" scenario (manual: lab03-*.pdf; deliberative base and solution: LoadingDocks-deliberative-solution.v1.2-en.nlogo and LoadingDocks-deliberative-base.v1.2-en.nlogo)
Lab 4 - Social tolerance model (manual: lab04-*.pdf; files: projectoPADI-2.tar.bz2 and projectoPADI-3.tar.bz2)
Lab 5 - Introduction to JADE (manual: lab05-*.pdf;
Lab 6 - JADE case study: auctions (manual: lab06-*.pdf)
Lab 7 - Game strategy and theories (manual: lab07-*.pdf and stag-hunt*.pdf; files:
Lab 8, 9 - Introduction to the AAMAS platform for CS (manual: lab09-*.pdf; files: aasm_project_files.tar.bz2)
Lab 10 - Reactive and deliberative agents in the AAMAS platform for CS (manual: lab10-*.pdf; files: aasm_project_files_2.tar.bz2)
Lab 11 - Comparative study of different agents (manual: lab11-*.pdf)