Silicified bryozoans in chert nodules derived from the Kaibab Formation are apparently all from facies 1 of the Beta Member. The bryozoans are a typical Permo-Carboniferous assemblage of stenoporid trepostomes, fistuliporid cystoporates, fenestrates, and rhomboporid cryptostomes. Taxa included are in the genera ?Stenodiscus, Fistulipora, Meekopora, Fenestella, Bicorbis, Rhabdomeson, Streblotrypa, and Girtypora (G. maculata, n. sp.). Bicorbis is known only from the Kaibab and equivalent strata of Arizona, Girtypora is a cosmopolitan Permian genus, and the other genera range through at least the Carboniferous and Permian Includes bibliographical references (p. 16-17) Silicified bryozoans in chert nodules derived from the Kaibab Formation are apparently all from facies 1 of the Beta Member. The bryozoans are a typical Permo-Carboniferous assemblage of stenoporid trepostomes, fistuliporid cystoporates, fenestrates, and rhomboporid cryptostomes. Taxa included are in the genera ?Stenodiscus, Fistulipora, Meekopora, Fenestella, Bicorbis, Rhabdomeson, Streblotrypa, and Girtypora (G. maculata, n. sp.). Bicorbis is known only from the Kaibab and equivalent strata of Arizona, Girtypora is a cosmopolitan Permian genus, and the other genera range through at least the Carboniferous and Permian Fieldiana series has been published as Geological Series by Field Columbian Museum (1895-1909) and Field Museum of Natural History (1909-1943), and as Fieldiana: Geology by Chicago Natural History Museum (1945-1966) and Field Museum of Natural History (1966-1978). Fieldiana Geology New Series No. 1 began June 29, 1979