American journal of physiology 01

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Vols. for 1898-1941, 1948-56 include the Society's prodeedings (primarily abstracts of papers presented at the 10th-53rd annual meetings, and the 1948-56 fall meetings) General science index Index medicus Bibliography of agriculture Biological abstracts Chemical abstracts Energy research abstracts International aerospace abstracts Life sciences collection PESTDOC RINGDOC VETDOC Vols. 1-30, 1898-Sept. 1912. 1 v.; Vols. 31-60, Oct. 1912-May 1922. 1 v.; Vols. 61-90, June 1922-1929. 1 v.; Vols. 91-120, Dec. 1929-Dec. 1937. 1 v.; Vols. 121-167, 1938-51. 1 v Beginning in Jan. 1977 issued in five parts, each part also published separately with individual vol. numbering: Cell physiology; Endocrinology, metabolism and gastrointestinal physiology (which split into: Endocrinology and metabolosm, and: Gastrointestinal and liver physiology in 1980); Heart and circulatory physiology; Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology; Renal, fluid and electrolyte physiology 14 61 63 14 61
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