Guizot, F.P.G. - Faith and science; Powell, Baden. - The law and the Gospel; Tholuck, F.A.D. - The doctrine of inspiration; Williams, R. - Holy Scripture; Servants of God speaking as moved by the Holy Ghost; The spirit and the letter, or The truth and the Book; Harwood, E. - On the causes which probably conspired to produce our Saviour's agony; Newcome, W. - Of our Lord's fortitude; Jowett, B. - The doctrine of the atonement; On righteousness by faith; The imputation of the sin of Adam; Conversion and changes of character; Cesuistry; Connection of immortality and idolatry; The Old Testament; On the quotations from the Old Testament in the New; Fragment on the chacter of St. Paul; St. Paul and the Twelve; Evils in the church of the Apostolical age; The belief in the coming of Christ in the Apostolical age; Foster, James. - The death of Christ, considered as a sacrifice; Stanley, A.P. - The Epistles to the Corinthians, in relation to the Gospel history; Apostolical worship; The Eucharist; Unity and variety of spiritual gifts; The gift of tongues and the gift of prophesying; Love, the greatest of gifts; The resurrection of Christ; The resurrection of the dead; Brown, Thomas. - On the credibility of miracles 26