A Collection of Writings - For the Kingdom of God...is Righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. - by John Rieley - Bee Keeper from Michigan
A Collection of Writings - For the Kingdom of God...is Righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. - by John Rieley - Bee Keeper from Michigan - Read as promised by Peter-John Parisis. Mr. John Rieley, personally gave me his book and made me promise I would read it. We were near the Grand Rapids, Michigan area to hear Keith Daniel - Evangelist from South Africa - preach.
So, I am living up to my agreement and reading your book, Mr. John Rieley. It does not make any difference whether I agree or not of the contains of this book. I am keeping my promise which any good Christian would do. It has taught me a lesson not to promise for anything so quickly.
Though, I must admit, I did find this chapter to quite interesting. I shall read all 173 pages of this book.
Peter-John Parisis
P.S. John Rieley, you are a bee keeper by trade and well in your 80's, but you were wrong about the amount of flowers we would see this year due to the wetness last August. For sin of the nation overruled and we got an interesting drought instead for most of the growing season.