
News cover "One of Our Thursdays Is Missing" written by by Jasper Fforde
"One of Our Thursdays Is Missing" written by by Jasper Fforde 14 Mar 2011 22:57:24 A little background to pique your interest: Thursday Next is a literary detective from Swindon, England. She can move back and forth between the RealWorld and the BookWorld, interacting with any character that's ever been written. In the five previous novels, she solved various in-book crimes like the kidnapping of Jane Eyre, and kept the Goliath Corp. from controlling the imaginary world like it does the real one. "One of Our Thursdays Is Missing" centers on the disappearance of Thursday herse... Read Full Story
News cover "When the Thrill Is Gone" by Walter Mosley
"When the Thrill Is Gone" by Walter Mosley 12 Mar 2011 05:41:02 Those are just the subplots in "When the Thrill Is Gone," the third novel in Walter Mosley's suspenseful series about McGill, a former boxer and street thug who has become one of New York City's most resourceful private detectives. McGill's bigger problems involve trying to save the life of a beautiful client who says her rich husband wants to kill her, and trying to locate a long-missing man for a mob kingpin the private detective doesn't want to work for but doesn't dare to refuse. To make m... Read Full Story
News cover Story from Michelle Moran called "Madame Tussaud"
Story from Michelle Moran called "Madame Tussaud" 12 Mar 2011 05:40:10 Moran tells the true story of Marie Grosholtz, later known as Madame Tussaud (namesake of the wax museum), who was Paris' premier wax modeler when the revolution began in 1789. She worked tirelessly at her family's home business, where she displayed models of the royal family in different aspects of their lives. In the months leading up to the revolution, Marie entertained King Louis XVI and the queen (Marie Antoinette). The Grosholtz family's "Salon de Cire" displayed life-size reenactments of... Read Full Story
News cover "Three Stages of Amazement"  written by Carol Edgarian
"Three Stages of Amazement" written by Carol Edgarian 12 Mar 2011 05:34:51 Charlie runs a San Francisco startup developing a surgical robot. He's years away from a marketable model. Initial funds have been depleted and new investors are hard to find. A savior appears in the form of Lena's estranged uncle, Cal Rusch, a successful venture capitalist. Dealing with Cal will create problems at home, but not dealing with him could mean financial calamity. Lena has quit her job at Boston's PBS affiliate WGBH, sacrificing her own ambition to support Charlie in his. She strugg... Read Full Story
News cover "The Jungle"  - are not harmless, read the book with the same name from  Clive Cussler with Jack Du Bru and understand, why they are
"The Jungle" - are not harmless, read the book with the same name from Clive Cussler with Jack Du Bru and understand, why they are 11 Mar 2011 05:17:16 Juan Cabrillo and his team aboard the Oregon ship have had their share of close calls. After being dumped by the U.S. government when a new president takes office, they find themselves trying to stir up business to stay afloat. A woman disappears on a hike in the jungles of northern Thailand and her father pleads with Cabrillo to stage a rescue. The mission to retrieve her proves costly as new team members are captured and a sinister villain reveals a devastating weapon. Can they save themselv... Read Full Story
News cover Don't cry when you will read the book "Love You More" written by Lisa Gardner
Don't cry when you will read the book "Love You More" written by Lisa Gardner 11 Mar 2011 05:15:00 In Lisa Gardner's "Love You More," police detective D.D. Warren has issues in her private life and tries to keep them away from her professional career. She receives a call and heads to the home of another female officer. The crime scene reveals what appears to be an open-and-shut case of spousal abuse and a woman defending herself. Were there warning signs that could have prevented this tragedy? As Warren investigates further, holes start appearing in the story. Those who knew the husband sw... Read Full Story
News cover Would you like to have a child? Note that book "The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers" will help you to be an excellent mother
Would you like to have a child? Note that book "The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers" will help you to be an excellent mother 11 Mar 2011 05:14:03 "We are tired," writes Meeker, who has four children. "We are trying to do too much, too well... (We) compete with other mothers and compete with ourselves. The problem is, none of us feels as though we're winning. In short, we've gone off the deep end." So Meeker, author of the parenting books "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters" and "Boys Should Be Boys," now presents "The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity." She acts as both cheerleader and coach, celebrat... Read Full Story
News cover Pay attention on new book written by  David Brooks "The Social Animal''
Pay attention on new book written by David Brooks "The Social Animal'' 10 Mar 2011 01:43:29 His new book, "The Social Animal," says scientists have begun a "revolution in consciousness." Brooks writes that a core finding of their work is that we aren't primarily the products of our conscious thinking, but of thinking that happens below the level of awareness. He creates fictional characters to illustrate. "Let's say someone touches your hand across a restaurant table. Instantly, the mind is searching the memory banks for similar events. The touch of the hand has been felt and refelt... Read Full Story
News cover Let's say the words gratitude of to economic science or read the book "The Thank You Economy"
Let's say the words gratitude of to economic science or read the book "The Thank You Economy" 10 Mar 2011 01:41:57 Butcher Bob was practicing what is now called social media marketing optimization, aka being nice to the customer. The subject is taught in today's business schools as a way to increase sales. His media: the liver and a big smile. Author Gary Vaynerchuk might say the schools are helping revive Bob's tradition of amiability, multiplied millions of times by 21st-century technology. He doesn't like the term "social media," but he finds it to be the basis of "The Thank You Economy" that he's adopt... Read Full Story
News cover New book "Silent Mercy" from talanted fantast Linda Fairstein
New book "Silent Mercy" from talanted fantast Linda Fairstein 10 Mar 2011 01:39:07 Someone is leaving body parts on the steps of churches throughout Manhattan, and Alexandra Cooper, prosecutor in the sex crimes division, teams up with police officer Mike Chapman to stop the killer before he strikes again. The institutions of church and religion go under the microscope as Cooper and Chapman explore the history of the targeted churches to see if the killer has a vendetta against the buildings — or perhaps has a God complex. Cooper already has her hands full with a case involvi... Read Full Story
News cover "First Grave on the Right" written by Darynda Jones
"First Grave on the Right" written by Darynda Jones 05 Mar 2011 04:47:49 Charley Davidson's motto is "better to see dead, than be dead," and she's been seeing the dead since she was a child. Using her cheeky charm and sarcastic wit, she compassionately guides — and sometimes tricks — the departed "into the light." Reaping isn't a paying gig, so Charley works as a private investigator and consultant for her police detective uncle. Because she can communicate with the dead, Charley can help the police solve murders by asking the victims who killed them. "First Grave"... Read Full Story
News cover He is 73, and his life doesn't become to the end: little story about Dean Myers
He is 73, and his life doesn't become to the end: little story about Dean Myers 05 Mar 2011 04:46:48 But after finishing Walter Dean Myers' "Monster," a classic young adult novel about a teen on trial for being an accomplice to murder, Swinney had done more than win a race. She had discovered a book whose characters had similar experiences to people she knew. "It opened my eyes," Swinney says. "It relates to many people and their families, friends who go through that with their family members." Some fellow sixth-graders at The Harlem Children's Zone Promise Academy, a charter school in Manhat... Read Full Story

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