
News cover Join to new e-book club
Join to new e-book club 11 Oct 2011 09:20:46 A digital publisher of Pat Conroy, Alice Walker and other writers has formed an online book club with a website that has for years served as a hub for reading groups. Open Road Integrated Media announced Friday that it was partnering with, which includes reading guides and lists of the most popular book club choices. The new club will be called DigiReaders and among the books to be discussed are Conroy's "The Prince of Tides" and Walker's "The Temple of My Familiar." Free e-rel... Read Full Story
News cover Steve Jobs - is alive in his biography that will be available to read in the end of October
Steve Jobs - is alive in his biography that will be available to read in the end of October 11 Oct 2011 09:17:50 The authorised biography Steve Jobs is written by Walter Isaacson, the former managing editor of Time magazine. Customer pre-purchases have already made it the number one bestseller at Amazon. Publishing house Simon & Schuster had originally planned to release it on 21 November. Isaacson has told how Jobs, in pain and too weak to climb stairs a few weeks before his death, wanted his children to understand why he wasn't always there for them. "I wanted my kids to know me," Isaacson quoted Jobs a... Read Full Story
News cover Will be Yahoo's readers popular?
Will be Yahoo's readers popular? 11 Oct 2011 09:15:12 Over the last few weeks, potential buyers including large technology and media companies, private equity and international companies have proposed many different options regarding Yahoo's various businesses, one of the sources said. "Almost everyone on the street has some angle they are trying to play," the source said. Jack Ma, the founder and CEO of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, told an audience at Stanford University that he would be "very interested" in buying the entire Yahoo. The ex... Read Full Story
News cover Stieg Larsson excites the public
Stieg Larsson excites the public 10 Oct 2011 08:53:18 Despite the setback in 1972,Larsson went on to become one of Sweden's most fearless campaigning journalists before achieving posthumous fame with his Millennium trilogy of crime novels featuring the enigmatic heroine Lisbeth Salander. He died aged just 50 in 2004 before he could reap the benefits of his work. He suffered a heart attack after climbing seven flights of stairs because the office lift was broken. Many feel the success of the novels overshadowed his achievements as a journalist and... Read Full Story
News cover A bible in digitale thanks for Dale Carnegie
A bible in digitale thanks for Dale Carnegie 10 Oct 2011 08:50:40 Three-quarters of a century after the original, How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age has hit the shelves. Out goes much of the old advice on how to impress and befriend people with face-to-face interaction or letters. Instead there is advice on how bloggers should interact with their readers and a caution about how celebrities mishandle their public wrongdoings. The original book was based on a series of lectures given by Carnegie, who had risen from an impoverished childh... Read Full Story
News cover Soon in audio books will be voices of our favourite actors
Soon in audio books will be voices of our favourite actors 10 Oct 2011 08:48:44 An array of Oscar-winners and A-list stars have signed up to narrate literary classics of their choice for the rapidly growing audiobook market. Nicole Kidman, Kate Winslet, Dustin Hoffman and Colin Firth are among Hollywood's biggest names to set the trend. Not so long ago, audiobooks were the poor cousins of the publishing world, particularly in the UK, where "talking books" were largely abridged. Jobbing actors were usually recruited as readers. Now, with worldwide demand soaring, the stars ... Read Full Story
News cover Soon we will know the winners of Nobel Literature prize
Soon we will know the winners of Nobel Literature prize 06 Oct 2011 09:04:23 British betting firm Ladbrokes have the 81-year-old Syrian poet known as Adonis at odds of 4/1 and Swede Tomas Transtromer, 80, at 7/1 to win the 10 million crown ($1.5 million) prize, to be announced on October6. Japan's Haruki Murakami was third at 8/1. All three have been on the betting list of candidates before, but an award to Adonis, a champion of democracy and secular thought, would chime well with Arab Spring revolts in several Middle Eastern nations -- though he has not been without hi... Read Full Story
News cover "The Kitchen Counter Cooking School" written by  Kathleen Flinn
"The Kitchen Counter Cooking School" written by Kathleen Flinn 06 Oct 2011 09:03:17 The second book by Le Cordon Bleu graduate Kathleen Flinn starts with her stalking a woman in the grocery store, but it ends better than you'd expect. Flinn is struck by the number of boxes and cans the woman is buying — and the grocery bill she's racking up — and spends the afternoon leading her through the store, explaining how she can save cash by buying a whole chicken, a pot roast and vegetables instead of ready-to-eat items. The chance encounter leads to Flinn's offer on a local radio sho... Read Full Story
News cover Be careful! Zombies! Zombies! Zombies are around us
Be careful! Zombies! Zombies! Zombies are around us 06 Oct 2011 09:02:11 The current generation of pop culture content consumers, who have been raised on zombie-apocalypse fare such as "Dawn of the Dead" and "28 Days Later" on big screens and "The Walking Dead" on small ones are accustomed to seeing zombies portrayed as bloodthirsty reanimated corpses roaming the Earth in search of a human snack. But despite its rather uncomplicated title, "Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!" actually presents a more nuanced portrayal of death brought to life — one to which Gen Xers, Gen Ye... Read Full Story
News cover "The Book of Mormon"  as a stage on Brodway
"The Book of Mormon" as a stage on Brodway 05 Oct 2011 09:12:19 Beginning this week, a dozen U.S. cities in seven states will be targeted by the Salt Lake City-based church with ads on television, city buses and billboards inviting visitors to the church's website to learn about its beliefs and followers. Users who log onto can see profiles of Mormons from various walks of life, chat with church members and learn about Mormon practices, such as the prohibition against consuming alcohol, coffee and tea. "Many people are not familiar with our fait... Read Full Story
News cover Famous voices in audiobooks
Famous voices in audiobooks 05 Oct 2011 09:09:46 Audio-book company announced Friday that it's launching a new line of audio books read by some of Hollywood's biggest talents, including the above names. Also participating in the line: Jennifer Connolly (who'll read Paul Bowles' "The Sheltering Sky"), Dustin Hoffman (who's tacking Jerzy Kosinski's "Being There") and Samuel L. Jackson (who shall recite Chester Himes' "A Rage in Harlem" -- to which he'll hopefully bring the same panache as his reading of "Go the F--- to Sleep.") Aud... Read Full Story
News cover Bookreaders and tabs become cheaper?
Bookreaders and tabs become cheaper? 05 Oct 2011 09:08:02 From Samsung Electronics to Sony Corp, major Asian tablet makers have ambitious plans to take on Apple, whose iPad is the gold standard in the booming market. With their me-too type of products priced almost at the same level as the iPad's starting price of $499, none of them have however been able to gain any significant market share from Apple. So far, Samsung has been seen as the most credible challenger to the iPad and some analysts suggest it could lose its No. 2 position to the eagerly a... Read Full Story

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