Dunne Finley Peter

Photo Dunne Finley Peter
Finley Peter Dunne (July 10, 1867 — April 24, 1936) was a Chicago-based U.S. author, writer and humorist. He published Mr. Dooley in Peace and War, a collection of his nationally syndicated Mr. Dooley sketches, in 1898.[1] The fictional Mr. Dooley expounded upon political and social issues of the day from his South Side Chicago Irish pub and he spoke with the thick verbiage and accent of an Irish immigrant from County Roscommon.[2] Dunne's sly humor and political acumen won the support of President Theodore Roosevelt, a frequent target of Mr. Dooley's barbs.[3] Indeed Dunne's sketches became so popular and such a litmus test of public opinion that they were read each week at White House cabinet meetings.[4] Peter Finley Dunne was born in Chicago on July 10, 1867. He was educated in the Chicago public schools (graduating from high school last in his class), then began his newspaper career in Chicago as a newspaper reporter/editor for the Chicago Telegram in 1884, at age 17.[5] He was then with the Chicago News from 1884-88, the Chicago Times in 1888, the Chicago Tribune in 1889, the Chicago Herald in 1889, and the Chicago Journal in 1897. Originally named Peter Dunne, to honor his mother, who had died when he was in high school, he took her family name as his middle name some time before 1886, going by PF Dunne, reversed the two names in 1888, for Finley P. Dunne, and later used simply the initials, FP Dunne.[6] His sister, Amelia Dunne Hookway, was a prominent educator and high school principal in Chicago; the former Hookway School was named in her honor. The first Dooley articles appeared when he was chief editorial writer for the Chicago Post and for a number of years he wrote the pieces without a byline or initials. They were paid for at the rate of $10 each above his newspaper pay. A contemporary wrote of his Mr. Dooley sketches that "there was no reaching for brilliancy, no attempt at polish. The purpose was simply to amuse. But it was this very ease and informality of the articles that caught the popular fancy. The spontaneity was so genuine; the timeliness was so obvious."[7] In 1898, he wrote a Dooley piece that celebrated the victory of Commodore George Dewey over the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay--and this piece attracted national attention. Within a short time, weekly Dooley essays were syndicated across the country.[8] In 1899, under the title Mr Dooley in Peace and War, a collection of the pieces was brought out in book form, received rave reviews from the critics, and was on the best seller list for a year. Dunne, then 32, became a national literary figure. Selections from Dooley were read at meetings of the presidential cabinet. Theodore Roosevelt was a fan, despite the fact that he was one of Dunne's favorite targets. When Roosevelt published his book, The Rough Riders, Dunne wrote a tongue-in-cheek review mocking the war hero with the punchline "if I was him I'd call th' book 'Alone in Cubia'" and the nation roared.[9] Roosevelt wrote to Dunne: "I regret to state that my family and intimate friends are delighted with your review of my book. Now I think you owe me one; and I shall expect that when you next come east you pay me a visit. I have long wanted the chance of making your acquaintance." The two finally met at the Republican Convention in 1900, where Roosevelt gave him a news scoop--he would accept the nomination as vice presidential candidate. In later years, Dunne was a frequent guest for dinner and weekends at the White House. Dunne wrote more than 700 Dooley pieces. About 1/3 of them were printed in eight books, with their era of influence ending with the start of World War I. He left Chicago after Dooley became popular and lived in New York where he wrote books and articles and edited The American Magazine, Metropolitan Magazine and Collier's Weekly, and was a beloved figure in club and literary circles. He died in New York on April 24, 1936. His wife, Margaret Ives Abbott, was the daughter of the Chicago Tribune's book reviewer, Mary Ives Abbott, a newspaper woman and novelist who associated with the prominent families of the time in Chicago-the Potter Palmers, the Chatfield-Taylors, etc. She had a sort of literary salon dedicated to encouraging young Chicago writers, among whom was Dunne. Mary's husband had been a merchant in Calcutta before his death. She also had a son, Sprague. Mary Ives Abbott died in 1904. Margaret Abbott was one of the first women golfers, having begun play in 1897 as a member of the prestigious Chicago Golf Club in Wheaton, Illinois. She won the first Olympic gold medal for women's golf at the second Olympiad in Paris in 1900 -- thus becoming the first American woman ever to win an Olympic gold medal. That same summer, she also won the women's golf championship of France. Her mother, Mary Abbott, also played in the Olympics that summer, finishing in a tie for 7th place. Marda, as Margaret was known to her family, later said that the other women, "apparently misunderstood the nature of the game scheduled for the day and turned up to play in high heels and tight skirts." On December 10, 1902, Margaret Ives Abbott was married to Dunne at her mother's home in New York. She continued to play golf while she and Dunne were raising their four children, Finley Peter Dunne, Jr., screenwriter/director Philip Dunne, and twins Peggy and Leonard. She died in 1955. Dunne was a charter member of a social circle of Chicago writers who frequently lampooned and competed with their New York City colleagues in pranks and outlandish stunts. He coined numerous political quips over the years; in particular, he is perhaps best known today as the originator of the aphorism "politics ain't beanbag". Dunne was a friend of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), with whom he played billiards, smoked cigars and drank. He was a member of Twain's "Damned Human Race Luncheon Club". Dunne's friendship with Richard Harding Davis, began on shaky ground. Barbara Schaaf describes their first meeting: However, Elmer Ellis remarks that "it is a tribute to the good sense and charity of both men that when during the next few months they were thrown together in Paris and London a warm and permanent friendship developed."[11] He is sometimes erroneously credited with coining the word "southpaw" for a left-handed baseball pitcher while covering sports in Chicago in the 1880s. (for example, QPB Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins by Robert Hendrickson ). In fact, the term was in use before Dunne's birth. As a journalist in the age of "muckraking journalism", Dunne was aware of the power of institutions, including his own. Writing as Dooley, Dunne once wrote the following passage cautioning against the power of the newspapers themselves: From which, somewhat ironically, journalism took only a few lines as their own and stood these up as their raison d'etre. Specifically, "The business of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable". The expression has been borrowed and altered in many ways over the years: According to an article in the November 5, 2006 edition of the New York Times, he coined the truism, often wrongly attributed to Tip O'Neill, that "all politics is local." (Translated from the Irish brogue into modern English) "Politics ain't beanbag: 'tis a man's game, and women, children 'n' pro-hy-bitionists had best stay out of it." "A fanatic is a man who does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case." "A man that would expect to train lobsters to fly in a year is called a lunatic; but a man that thinks men can be turned into angels by an election is a reformer & remains at large." "An appeal is when you ask one court to show its contempt for another court." "There is one thing to be said in favor of drink, and that is that it has caused many a lady to be loved that otherwise might have died single." "Most vegetarians look so much like the food they eat that they can be classified as cannibals." "Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting." "Like most poets, preachers, and metaphysicians, he burst into conclusion at a spark of evidence." "A lie with a purpose is one of the worst kind, and the most profitable."
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Dunne Finley Peter




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