...this appears to be a compilation of responses received from individuals and organizations in relation to the draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Copley Place development project in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood followed by official responses to the issues raised; the title page and other beginning pages are missing; statements are numbered as follows: C-1 missing / C-2 missing / C-3 missing / C-4 South End Project Area Committee (SEPAC) [page 1 missing] / C-5 Susan Stuebing / C-6 Kenneth D. Campbell and Co. / C-7 United South End - Lower Roxbury Development Corp. / C-8 FenPac (Fenway Project Area Committee) / C-9 Tent City Corp. / C-10 Stephen Gaol (?) / C-11 Robert W. Richards / C-12 Fenway Energy Organization / C-13 Carolyn A. Gritter (Copley Place Coalition) / C-14 Boston Jobs Coalition / C-15 Sally Perry / C-16 Robert W. Harkness / C-17 thru C-24 Summary testimony public hearing at the Boston Public Library, 3 March 1980 / C-25 Sally Perry / C-26 Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay; this item was in the BRA collection..