Legendary eccentric San Francisco based hedge fund manager and recluse Raphael Cruz, a.k.a. Wall Street Kid and his press dubbed "clairvoyant leverage" made him $2.5 million dollars in 2 years, from an initial capital of only $50,000.00, all while in his first year of college.
Although him being notoriously eccentric, (rumored to have allegedly taken a restraining order against trader magazine) might very well be what put him under the financial community's radar, Raphael's strategies are unarguably potent as they are mysterious, relying almost exclusively on an undiversified portfolio of
basic materials common and preferred stock, i.e., paper, steel, forestry, and transportation; i.e. trucking and shipping, with returns upwards of 300% per annum.
When asked in February 2007 what his goals were for performing so well, Raphael famously responded by saying that he "wanted to start a theater company." A socialite, he is not; Raphael has been known to literally hurl stones at reporters.