Cover title At head of title: "Price 10 cents, $8 per Hundred, Postage 1 cent. A Liberal Discount to the Trade." Contains music for some of the songs Abe of the west, and victory -- Anxious Stephen -- Arise ye sons of honest toil -- Baltimore convention -- Bobolink campaign song -- Boy's wish -- Candidate with a cork leg -- Cheer, boys, cheer -- Come, freemen, come rally -- Douglas and his Dinah -- For Abe shall have the belt -- Forward, forward is the word -- Freedom's battle call -- Freedom's battle cry -- Gallant son of the west -- Get out of the way, you Little Giant -- Hamlin's from the Pilgrim land -- Have you heard from Chicago -- He comes, the fearless man -- High old Abe shall win -- Hi rally, ho rally -- Honest Abe of the west -- Ho ye men of every nation -- In good Republican times -- Lincoln and Hamlin the true -- Lincoln Boat-horn -- Lincoln flag -- Lincoln flag -- Lincoln of the west -- Mantles dropped at Lexington -- March of the free -- National hurrah -- Oh, poor Douglas, you can't follow -- Oh you can't go the caper, Stephen -- Old Abe Lincoln is the man -- Old stormy Europe strides -- On to victory -- Poor little Dug -- Rail lyrics -- Republicans, the nations call you -- Roll on the Republican ball -- Seventy-six -- Short and long of it -- Shout for the prairie king -- Sing a song of Charleston -- Splittin' ob de rail -- Take off your coats, boys -- the Lincoln boy -- The people had five candidates -- The taller man well skilled -- Then fling out the banner -- Then put away the wedges and the maul -- Unroll the Republican stars -- Up for the conflict -- Up, up, and be stirring -- Was its des Deutchen Vaterland -- Was its des German translation -- We are coming -- We have a man whom freedom hails -- We'll all take a ride -- We're bound to work all night -- Western star, give it three cheers -- Where, oh where is Jimmy Buchanan Monaghan, J. Lincoln bibliography Bound in half leather with spine title: Wide-awake vocalist, 1860 18