Report of the committee on the scope and method of the twelfth census.--Population: Willcox, W.F. Area, population, birthplace, migration and conjugal condition. Ripley, W.Z. Colored population of African descent. Boas, F. The census of the North American Indians. Holmes, G.K. Age, sex, dwellings and families, and urban population. Dewey, D.R. Illiteracy and educational statistics. Smith, R.M. Statistics of occupations.--Vital and social statistics: Wilbur, C.L. The mortality statistics of the eleventh census. Fisher, I. Mortality statistics of the United States census. Falkner, R.P. Statistics of crime in the United States census. Lindsay, S.M. Pauperism and benevolence.--Agriculture and farms: Stone, N.I. Agriculture. Kinley, D. Farm and home proprietorship and real estate mortgage indebtedness.--Transportation: Johnson E.R. and Weyl, W.E. The statistics of transportation.--Manufactures: North, S.N.D. Manufactures in the federal census. Steuart, W.M. The report of the eleventh census on manufactures. Ford, W.C. Statistics of manufactures in cities. Bullock, C.J. Wage statistics and the federal census.--Wealth, debt, and texation: Plehn, C.C. Valuation and taxation.--Suggestions in regard to the statistics of municipal finance in the census of 1900.--Hunt, W.C. The scope and method of the federal census.--Extracts from letters.--Appendix: Provisions of census laws of 1889 and 1899.--Index